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Calories burned running at 13 mph for 20 minutes minutes 154.3 pounds or 70 kilograms

A person will burn 462.0 calories running at 13 mph for 20 minutes if he/she weighs 154.3 pounds or 70 kg

Calories / Fat Burned Calculator


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lbs or Kilograms


462.0 cal
59.9 g or 0.13 lb
Someone weighting 70 Kg or 154.3 lb running at 13 mph burns 462.0 calories in 20 minutes. This value is roughtly equivalent to 0.13 pound or 2.11 ounces or 59.9 grams of mass (fat and / or muscle).

  • Doing this activity 3 times a week for 20 minutes will loose 1.58 pounds or 0.72 Kg a month.
  • Doing this activity 5 times a week for 20 minutes will loose 2.64 pounds or 1.2 Kg a month.

How to calculate calories (burned)

The number of calories you burn while exercising is dependent on:

By multiplying the MET (*) value by the body weight in kg and the duration of the activity, you can estimate the energy expenditure in Kcal specific to a person's body weight. This statement can be expressed as the following formula:

Calories burned = METs x weight x (time / 60)

In this example, running at 13 mph at a 19.8 MET value, burns Kcal/kg x body weight/h.

So, a 70 kg individual running at 13 mph for 20 minutes expends the following:

(19.8 METs x 70 kg) x (20 min/60 min) = 462.0 Kcal.


(*) MET means 'metabolic equivalent'


Sample Calories Burned Calculations


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